
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

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Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Southampton Cycling Campaign:

  • Highway Code changes

    sound+fury // 1 thread

    A bill is being put forward to sentence any cyclist convicted of dangerous cycling to a 14 year prison term.

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  • DfT Policy Paper - Inclusive Transport Strategy

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Lots of interesting stuff about inclusive transport regarding trains, buses, cars, public realm, streets and yes a bit about cycling too. Quotes:

    Shared Space:

    8.11 While we consider CIHT and DPTAC’s recommendations and how to take them
    forward, we are requesting that local authorities pause any shared space schemes
    incorporating a level surface they are considering, and which are at the design stage.
    We are also temporarily suspending Local Transport Note 1/11. This pause will allow
    us to carry out research and produce updated guidance.

    Objectives regarding Cycling:

    • Update Local Transport Note 2/08, which sets out the Department’s guidance to
    local authorities on designing safe and inclusive infrastructure for cyclists, to take
    account of developments in cycling infrastructure since its publication in 2008 and
    the responses to the draft AAP consultation and publish a revised version by early
    • By 2020, explore the feasibility of amending legislation to recognise the use of
    cycles as a mobility aid71 in order to increase the number of disabled people

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  • Avenue bus stop obstruction

    Created by Kieren // 10 threads

    Bus stop faces the opposite way to most others on the avenue, causes cyclists to get in the way of pedestrians (and vice versa). Either have to shuffle past people waiting and try to avoid the holly bush or go down the outside with barely any space with a chance of toppling into the road if you make a mistake.

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  • Removal of cycle facility

    Created by fishter // 2 threads

    At the bottom of the hill there is a "chicane" for motor vehicles to negotiate. Northbound traffic must give priority to southbound traffic.

    The chicane is formed by an island on the northbound side of the road. This island has a bypass to the left to allow cyclists to proceed despite oncoming traffic.

    After a recent resurfacing of the road the markings for the cycle lane were omitted (see picture). This means that cyclists should now give priority to southbound traffic as the markings indicate they should not use the bypass.

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  • Advanced stop lines/Cycle giveway on side roads off of Avenue

    Created by pmwebb // 0 threads

    The side roads that access the avenue are a danger to the users of the shared path. This is especially prevalent on the northbound side in the mornings. Cars seem to have two modes:
    1) stationary avenue traffic - approach at speed and hit the anchors in time not to hit the queue
    2) no queue on avenue - approach at speed hoping not to have to stop. Then go for it or again hit the anchors.

    In both stopping cases this blocks the crossing for the cycle/pedestrian

    Ideally there would be an advance giveaway line/colored tarmac to identify the possibility of crossing bikes/pedestrians

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  • Road markings missing and inconsistent

    Created by Andrew Clegg // 0 threads

    Heading south on Crescent Road (on NCN23), as you approach the traffic lights there is the beginnings of an ASL feeder lane which simply ends without any ASL box. This junction could particularly do with one, as many large vehicles take a wide swing at the junction when turning from Canute Road, and an ASL would help to make sure everyone is aware where bikes will be.

    See,-1.393559,3a,75y,96.45h,56.89t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sdo7nTVlIvExjQ3aYu-2Uxw!2e0!6m1!1e1 for a Streetview image of the feeder lane

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  • Update on light timings, Nursling street

    Created by DavidC // 1 thread

    It has been brought to the attention of SCC that the time given at these traffic lights does not allow for slower moving traffic to given for slower moving traffic to exit from Nursling street onto Romsey Road.

    A member of the campaign has informed Hampshire County Highways of this.

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  • Poor visibility junction

    Created by Andrew Clegg // 2 threads

    The majority of motor traffic turns right from Union Road to head north on Radcliffe Road, and vice versa. Radcliffe Road is a home zone southwards of this junction, with associated streetscaping, and NCN 23 follows the length of Radcliffe Road.

    The main problem is when heading North, where some nice streetscaping prevents drivers having a good view of any traffic exiting the home zone. A lesser problem is when heading South, where motor vehicles often pull out in front of you (presumably because they think that everyone will be turning left).

    The most obvious quick fix would be to put a stop sign at the end of union road.

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  • Awkward access to cycle path

    Created by Andrew Clegg // 1 thread

    The excellent cyclepath alongside St Mary's stadium joins onto Melbourne Street via an awkward and narrow gap which is often blocked by cars. This is annoying for regular users as well as making it harder for people to follow the NCN23.

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  • Burgess Road 80cm cycle lane

    Created by Dan Doherty // 0 threads

    Very narrow cycle lane between University Road and Violet Road and Broadlands Road. Encourages very close passes when cycling in the lane (with 10cm of your handlebars), or aggressive impatient driving if you cycle outside of the lane. Additionally to cycle within this cycle lane it is necessary to cycle closer to the kerb than the recommended 50cm from kerb (
    Lane markings are extremely faded. Lane contains several drains.

    No cycle lane would be better than the current cycle lane.

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  • Proposed removal of cycle path

    Created by Chrisj // 1 thread

    Notice is herby given that Southampton city council

    proposes to make the following

    The City of Southampton(various roads)

    (movement restrictions)(amendment no9)order 2013

    1. the effect of the order is to remove the contraflow cycle lane on

    second avenue between first avenue and the north-westernmost

    access to the NXP site, approximately 150metres south-east of allington

    road thus reverting this part of second avenue to two way traffic. The

    contraflow cycle lane will remain on the part of second avenue between

    the north-westernmost access to the NXP site and allington road.

    2.Copies of the order, relevant map and statement of reasons for

    proposing may be inspected during normal working hours at my enquiry

    office. Further information may also be obtained from the Southampton

    Highways Partnership (traffic management) on 02380798064

    3.Any person wishing to object to the order must write to at the

    address given below or email: stating the grounds for

    objection within 21 days of this notice (i.e. by 2 August 2013)

    Dated 12 July 2013

    Richard Ivory Head Of Legal, HR and Democratic Services,

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  • Lack of safe room for cycles, terrible road surface

    Created by DavidTheScientist // 1 thread

    While some painted "cycle lane" does exist northbound, there is woefully little provision for cyclists considering the huge number that use this section of road each day, a large number of whom are those who work at the General Hospital and other nearby health centres. Southbound cyclists have no real provision of space at all, save a graduated stopline, where cars turning right often try to pass right-turning cycles on the inside. Dale road itself is extremely narrow by winchester road, with almost no pavement space for pedestrians.
    Cyclists heading northbound on Winchester road must beat traffic off the line at Dale road to get to the painted centre of Winchester road. North of the traffic light at The Range, the cycle lane is almost non-existent, placing cyclists between 2 lanes of heavy traffic, and cyclists have to stop and wait in this dangerous area in order to turn right onto Wilton road. Furthermore, the road surface, especially at this part of Winchester road, is currently deplorable.

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  • Cycle path with give ways

    Created by fishter // 1 thread

    The service entrance to the motorway services now has priority over the shared use path which runs parallel to the main road.
    I have contacted both Hampshire County Council and Test Valley Borough Council about this change in priorities, but neither has responded beyond a cursory "we have received your email".
    This is yet another example of through traffic being de-prioritised simply because it is on a cycle (or shared) path, rather than on a road.

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  • Pinch point created by pedestrian crossing

    Created by DavidT // 2 threads

    The current layout of the pedestrian crossing at the junction of Winchester road and Vermont close forces cyclists out of the cycle lane and into the flow of traffic. This is a risky maneuver and relies on the patience of the car driver behind the cyclist. A possible solution would be to be extend the cycle lane through the chicane, with give way markings so that pedestrians have right of way.

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