Things tagged 'obstruction'

limited to the area of Southampton Cycling Campaign:

3 issues found for 'obstruction':

  • Avenue bus stop obstruction

    Created by Kieren // 10 threads

    Bus stop faces the opposite way to most others on the avenue, causes cyclists to get in the way of pedestrians (and vice versa). Either have to shuffle past people waiting and try to avoid the holly bush or go down the outside with barely any space with a chance of toppling into the road if you make a mistake.

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  • Awkward access to cycle path

    Created by Andrew Clegg // 1 thread

    The excellent cyclepath alongside St Mary's stadium joins onto Melbourne Street via an awkward and narrow gap which is often blocked by cars. This is annoying for regular users as well as making it harder for people to follow the NCN23.

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63 threads found for 'obstruction':

One library item found for 'obstruction':

No planning applications found for 'obstruction'.

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